Ultrasound is scheduled.

Yes, the ultrasound is scheduled.  The big question is - when?  Immediately or in a couple of weeks?  The later is the most preferable outcome because it means my hcg level is rising steady, doubling about every 48 hours.  An ultrasound scheduled immediately means my hcg level is low and the doctor wants to see what's going … Continue reading Ultrasound is scheduled.

Zombies, Parenting, and Values

The last two days have been a whirlwind of activity.  Actually, who am I kidding, my whole life has been a whirlwind of activity.  The good news is that with all this activity I'm feeling great, but I do turn in to a zombie around 8 o'clock each night. The next set of tests are tomorrow. … Continue reading Zombies, Parenting, and Values

The beginning. Or is it the middle? Definitely not the end.

In the last two months we celebrated the 18th and 16th anniversary of our sons' birthdays.  Say what?!?  Seriously, where does the time go?  It seems like forever ago that I was pregnant with the first.  Actually I don't even remember much of it.  If I look at pictures of this last half of my … Continue reading The beginning. Or is it the middle? Definitely not the end.